管理学博士,讲师,主要从事行为运作管理和供应链管理等领域的研究。曾在香港城市大学(CityU)担任研究助理,积累了一年多的科研经验。在学术研究方面,已在国际知名期刊如《Omega》《Journal of the Operational Research Society(JORS)》和《Computers & Industrial Engineering(CIE)》等发表多篇学术论文,研究成果获得广泛认可。其研究领域覆盖了供应链优化、行为决策以及运作管理中的实际应用,致力于通过学术研究推动行业创新和管理实践的进步。同时,积极参与国际学术会议并担任审稿人,关注全球管理领域的前沿发展。
2012-09至2016-07 安徽财经大学数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士
2016-09至2023-03 中国科学技术大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士(硕博连续)
2017-09至2023-10 香港城市大学信息系统专业,获哲学博士
1. Chen, Y., Du, S., Liao, S. S., & Nie, T. (2024). Behavior-based optimal refund policy under advance selling: an analysis of the impact of loss fairness concerns. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-24. (JCRQ2, ABS3)
2. Du,S., Chen, Y., Peng, J., & Nie, T.*(2022) “Incorporating risk fairness concerns into wine futures under quality uncertainty”. Omega, 113, 102717(JCRQ1, ABS3)
3. Zhu, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, X., Nie, T.*, & Du, S. (2023) “Procedural fairness concern in tourism supply chain: the case of a dominant OTA and a sustainable hotel”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 176, 108919. (JCR Q1,中科院一区,ABS2)
4. Yuwei, G., Chen, Y., Zhu, Y.*, & Du, S. (2022). “Pricing design and contract selection with customers’ self-control: A strategic analysis”. Journal of Modelling in Management.
5. Gong, X., Gao, L., Chen, Y.*, & Wu, Z. (2020). “Effort exertion and contract design in collaborative product development with fairness concern”. Journal of Modelling in Management.
1. Liao, S. S., Chen, Y., Ma, X., Wang, P., & Liu, Y. (2018). “Deep Learning on Abnormal Chromosome Segments: An Intelligent Copy Number Variants Detection System Design”, CONF-IRM 2018 PROCEEDINGS. (Conference)