哲学博士(组织管理方向),中山大学管理学院博士后,讲师。主要从事组织行为等相关研究,具体关注AI在组织中的应用与伦理相关问题,员工主动行为等研究话题。在Tourism Management, Applied Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, PNAS Nexus等国际顶级期刊发表多篇论文。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,组织如何进行人机工作设计?基于效率相关结果和伦理相关结果的多阶段、多方法研究,参与,在研
2. 香港大专院校相互发展计划-研究资助委员会研究基金,用情绪“能量”激发主动性行为:通过理解具体情绪在不同社会情景下的功能(Fueling the proactivity by emotions “energy”: Through understanding the functions of discrete emotions in different social settings),参与,已结题
3. 香港研究资助委员会-青年项目,解读学校领导团队:超越共享角色责任,(Understanding school management teams: Beyond sharing role responsibility),参与,已结题
1.Li, W., Qin, X.*, Yam, K. C., Deng, H., Chen, C., Dong, X., Jiang, L., & Tang, W. (2024). Embracing artificial intelligence (AI) with job crafting: Exploring trickle-down effect and employees’ outcomes. Tourism Management, 104, 104935. (Q1, SSCI, IF = 12.7, ABS 4星)
2.Jiang, Z., Wang, Y., Li, W.*, Peng, K. Z., & Wu, C. H. (2023). Career proactivity: A bibliometric literature review and a future research agenda. Applied Psychology, 72, 144-184.(Q1, SSCI, IF = 5.682, ESI热引论文)
3.Qin, X., Chua, Roy*, Tan, L., Li, W., Chen, C.*(2023). Gender bias in cultural tightness across the 50 U.S. states and its links to gender inequality in leadership and innovation. PNAS Nexus. 2(8), pgad238. (PNAS姊妹刊)
4.Dong X., Jiang, L., Li, W., Chen, C., Gan, Y., Xia J., & Qin, X.* (2024). Let’s talk about AI: Talking about AI is positively associated with AI crafting. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-32. (Q1, SSCI, IF = 5.6)
5.Qin X., Yam, K. C., Chen, C., Li, W. (2021). Revisiting social robots and their impacts on conformity: Practical and ethical considerations. Science Robotics. eLetters. (Science子刊,IF = 23.956)
6.Qin, X., Yam, K. C., Chen, C.*, Li, W., & Dong, X. (2021). Talking about COVID-19 is positively associated with team cultural tightness: Implications for team deviance and creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 530-541. (FT-50, SSCI, IF = 11.802)
7.Qin, X., Chen, C.*, Yam, K. C., Cao, L., Li, W., Guan, J., Zhao, P., Dong, X., & Lin, Y. (2022). Adults still can’t resist: A social robot can induce normative conformity. Computers in Human Behavior, 127, 107041. (Q1, SSCI, IF = 10.097)
1.Qin, X., Dong, X., Li, W.*, Chen, C., & Wang, M. (2022). The relationship between creativity and (un)ethical behavior: A literature review and future directions. In H. Kapoor & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Creativity and morality.
2.Peng, K. Z., Li, W., & Bindl, U. K. (2021). Feeling energized to become proactive: A systematic literature review of the affect-proactivity link. In K. Z. Peng & C. H. Wu (Eds.), Emotion and proactivity at work: Prospesctives and dialogues. Bristol University Press.
Journal of Organizational Behavior,Tourism Management, Journal of Management Psychology等期刊审稿人