管理学博士,讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事预测理论与方法、时间序列数据建模等方面的研究。在Applied Energy、Energy、Information Sciences、Applied Soft Computing等学术期刊发表多篇论文,2023年获广东财经大学教学质量优秀奖。
1.Lv, S. X., & Wang, L.* (2023). Multivariate wind speed forecasting based on multi-objective feature selection approach and hybrid deep learning model. Energy, 263, 126100.
2.Lv, S. X., & Wang, L.* (2022). Deep learning combined wind speed forecasting with hybrid time series decomposition and multi-objective parameter optimization. Applied Energy, 311, 118674.
3.Lv, S. X., Peng, L., Hu, H., & Wang, L.* (2022). Effective machine learning model combination based on selective ensemble strategy for time series forecasting. Information Sciences, 612, 994-1023.
4.Wang, L., Lv, S. X., & Zeng, Y. R.* (2018). Effective sparse adaboost method with ESN and FOA for industrial electricity consumption forecasting in China. Energy, 155, 1013-1031.
5.Lv, S. X., Peng, L., & Wang, L.* (2018). Stacked autoencoder with echo-state regression for tourism demand forecasting using search query data. Applied Soft Computing, 73, 119-133.
6.Lv, S. X., Zeng, Y. R., & Wang, L.* (2018). An effective fruit fly optimization algorithm with hybrid information exchange and its applications. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 9, 1623-1648.
7.曾宇容, 万建超, 吕盛祥*, 王思睿, & 王林. (2019). 联合补货策略下的供应商选择和订货量分配协同优化. 控制与决策, 34(8), 1714-1722.